Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ramadhan coming...

On 1/8/2011.All the muslim students in the Universiti Teknologi Petronas were truly excited as they started to begin fasting.In this first day,there are a lot of expression that can be seen in every faces.Some are started looking pale as they didn't took their Suhoor.My first class started at 10.00 a.m and the class turned into quite silent without the noisy from those who sat at the back.Some lecturers are quite amazed by these changed and they can teach us peacefully.Some of them including myself were so eager to break my fast as we kept looking at the clock regularly.In the evening,I attended my english tutorial and luckily finished at about 6.00.Then I went to buy some food at wait until the maghrib prayers.I went for 'terawih' and study throughout the night.

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